गुरुवार, 9 मार्च 2023

cowardly rabbit-डरपोक खरगोश की कहानी

 Don't believe what you hear


डरपोक खरगोश की कहानी

A rabbit lived in a  dip forest. He was very fearful. If even the slightest sound was heard somewhere, he would start running away in fear. Due to fear, he used to keep his ears standing in air all the time. That's why he could never sleep peacefully and always in tension.

One day the rabbit was sleeping under a apple tree. Sudden a apple fell from the tree near him. Hearing the sound of apple falling, he got up in a panic and jumped up and stood far away. "Run! Run! The sky is falling." Started running away screaming.

On the way he met a deer. The deer asked him, "Hey brother, why are you running like this? What is the matter after all?" Started running. While running, both were shouting loudly, "Run! Run! the sky is falling. Giraffes, wolves, foxes, jackals, and a herd of other animals also started running with them in fear of seeing them. Everyone was running and shouting together, Run! Run! The sky is falling. He was sleeping in the cave. Hearing the noise of the animals, he woke up in a panic. When he came
out of the cave, he got very angry. He roared and said, "Stop! Stop! What is the matter?"

All the animals stopped for fear of the lion. Everyone said in one voice, "The sky is falling down."

Singh laughed a lot after hearing this. Tears welled up in his eyes while laughing. He stopped laughing and said, "Who has seen the sky falling?" Everyone started staring at each other. In the end, everyone's eyes turned towards the rabbit, only then it came out of his mouth, "A piece of the sky has fallen under that apple tree."

"Come on, let's go over there and see." Singh said. The whole platoon of animals along with the lion reached near the apple tree, everyone searched here and there. No one could see any piece of the sky anywhere. Yes, he definitely saw a apple falling on the ground.

Pointing to the apple, the lion asked the rabbit, "Is that the piece of sky, for which you made everyone afraid?"

Now the rabbit understood his mistake. His head bowed down in shame. He started trembling with fear.

Other animals were also very ashamed of this incident, they were regretting their mistake that they were running unnecessarily fearing what they had heard. Happened.

Moral of the story's - Don't believe what you hear (सुनी सुनाई बातो पर यकींन ना करे )

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